Department of accounting
Faculty staff
Department head:
Dr. Ying-fen Lin, Professor
Graduate School of Management
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Ph.D
Specialized areas: Financial accounting; management accounting and corporate governance.
Email: dswu@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
Dr. Der-fen Huang, Associate Professor
National Taiwan University, Ph.D
Specialized areas: Financial accounting; management accounting; risk management.
Email: dfhuang@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
Dr. Hiewu Su, Assistant Professor
Curtin University of Technology, Ph.D
Specialized areas: Financial accounting and issues in governmental reporting.
Email: hiewu@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
Dr. Chao Lan Wang, Assistant Professor
National Chengchi University
Specialized areas: Public finance and Tax Law.
Email: wchowlan@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
Chun Yao, Instructor
National Chengchi University, Ph. D candidtate
Specialized areas: Financial Accounting; business quantitative methods and Econometrics.
Email: acct041093@mail.ndhu.edu.tw